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The ultimate spinning wheel control that supports dynamic content and rich customization.

Main Features
🏵 Dynamic content, supports texts, images, and lines
🎯 Adaptive text size with support multiline, alignment and line break mode
🎇 Supports background Image for each Slice (sector)
🧮 Supports vertical and horizontal text orientation
🌈 Appearance customization
🔊 Sounds and haptic feedback
🌋 Collision callbacks and effects
🎨 Drawn and animated using CoreGraphics, CoreAnimations
🔋 High performance, low memory usage

Layout Preview

Taken from example projects

Dynamic Content and Rotation Preview

Taken from example projects

Collision Effect Preview

Taken from example projects


from iOS Example Project

from macOS Example Project

from tvOS Example Project


When you are ready to install, follow the Installation Guide.

API Documentation

You can find the docs here.

Documentation is generated with jazzy and hosted on GitHub-Pages.


App name Swif Xcode Platforms
1.1.x - current version Swift 5.0 Xcode 11 iOS 9.0 / macOS 10.11 / tvOS 9.0
0.x.x - 1.0.x Swift 5.0 Xcode 11 iOS 9.0


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



See changelog here


Sherzod Khashimov
